More than just a Booking!

At Luxio Collection ™ we carefully select the best hotels for our members and personally visit them before offering it to our collection. We are able to get the best prices because we do not add any hidden costs and any mandatory conditions. This way our members have the independence to build their own stay with the extras they prefer and know exactly how much they are paying for them! No more unknown details at hidden prices… the revolution has begun !!!
More information about us? Click here!

The Membership

Welcome to Luxio Collection Membership Program. As a non member you haven’t access yet to our fabulous prices. Once you become a member you’ll be able to visit our hotel’s list with full details, get the code* and book** it directly on the hotel website. In addition, we organize trip events every month in different cities where the member can participate at unbeatable prices.

Why Luxio?

Why to become a member? Easy answer! We are the only company in the travel market that doesn’t charge travelers with any commissions or fees. Yes! You got it!

*Rates are guaranteed from us as the best online. If you find a better rate and you can prove it, we will refund you the membership cost immediately!
**Hotel bookings are made directly on hotel website. Tour and events are made on Luxio Website.

Benefits at a Glance

With our platform you’ll have access to unbeatable prices and discounts and have chance to choose your extra-services just if you want; transfers, excursions, tours, activities and more. Once you are part of our community you’ll be free to pay just what you need and enjoy our super deals in different destinations. We co-operate with many hotel brands and partners.

Just For Members

Prices, discounts and offers are just for our valued members. Being a member of our community means a special care, always! No hidden fees or intermediary commission. No more!

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